It is said that motherhood is the best phase of a woman's life. A mother- child relationship is considered to be the most adorable one, but in recent times it has become a profession to escape poverty.
Surrogacy, an arrangement in which a woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or person, has become very common in India and many women are indulged in it for monetary reasons. Women who are not financially strong find it best to rent their womb.
These days couples from abroad who are not able to have child of their own due to female sterility or other medical issues are coming to India to have child because of huge availability of females who are ready to go for surrogacy in minimum amount.
Our society is still not open about such practices and considers it sinful, so women who deliver surrogate babies do it secretly because of the fear of being shunned.
Earlier surrogacy was illicit, but in 2002 it was legalized in India and from then the surrogacy industry has boomed, becoming a key part of the country's lucrative medical tourism market.
At times ladies who choose to be surrogate mothers are exploited by the social parents of the child, sometimes they are fooled by the couple and are not paid according to the agreement, sometimes the society stand against such ladies and make their life hell.
An NGO Sama works for the welfare of the surrogate mothers, but still there is need for stringent laws to protect the surrogate mothers in India so that they get a respectable stature in the society and to stop the unethical practices related to surrogacy.
surrogacy is nt d gud way to get child ... y govt legalized it india? der r many other options lik adoption is one of dem den y only surrogacy...
yes surrogacy is not the only way to have children..one can adopt children..
and mostly the urban people go to rural areas for surrogate mother..
Surrogacy is not a good option, I agree, but it gives happiness to the couple,who fails to have their own biological child.
surrogacy is not a bad option to give birth to a baby. it is the approach of a couple how they want to give birth to their child. if we say we are modern,then y we narrow down our approach in small small things. adopting the same as a dhandha to earn money,but doing it in a legalisd manner is nothing wrong
One can adopt a child or one can also have a test tube baby in such case.. But Surrogacy is not the right way to get a child.
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