Saturday, 7 April 2012

Heavy School Bags Could Be Dangerous

We all believe & know that children are the future. Thus the children should be groomed and educated properly. Indians are unto the mark when it comes to educating their children. Everyone wants their children to go to the best schools they can afford and have the best of education. Each and every one of Indian parents want their child to be the topper. To achieve this they pressurize their child right from the preschool stage . Schools on their part put pressure on these children so that they can boast to have the best result records to show to the world and advertise it for their gains.
Today many children face psychological problems. Few of the parents come to know about the problem of their child in the form of a disturbed child or angry child but mostly problems of a child goes unnoticed. Apart from this an Indian child is also facing a severe problem of physical burden in the form of carrying heavy school bags every day of their life. By rule a child can only carry 10 to 15 percent of his\her body weight. But it seems that they carry much more then that in the form of their school bags everyday to their schools.  In a recent article written in The Times Of India it was stated that most of the school students carried around 30 percent of their body weight in these school bags everyday.
If a child is regularly forced to bear such burden they will have many kinds of problems. The child will be facing problems like backache, headache, ligament tear. Heavy bags tend to put pressure on discs between vertebrae which causes back-pain. Constant load on spine among with a bad standing posture can cause lower back-pain is what the doctor says. How can you expect a child to stand in a correct posture when he or she is carrying such a burden every day of his or her schooling life. In the article of The Times Of India, orthopaedic surgeons Dr Tejal Patel and Dr Dinesh Agarwal have stated that repeated load on the neck, or cervical area can lead to headache and giddiness. Many doctors all over the world have stated that carrying heavy burden in the form of school bags can turn these children into humpbacks.
Child should carry only 3.5 kg. in class 1 & 2. In class 7 & 8 a child should carry about 9kg. weight at most. According to the rule at any given time child should be carrying only 10 to 15 percent of his or her body weight. After these facts came to my knowledge I was very disturbed. In our country there is a law against child labor. I think the law of against child labor has been around for quite a while but the schools are making the child carry very heavy school bags everyday. Isn’t this a sophisticated kind of child labor. The big question is why are the parents allowing it. I think they want to make a winner out of their children at any cost [ even at the cost their child becoming a humpback].
There are many articles being written in Newspapers in an effort to bring this problem to light. Many doctors also trying to make the parents realize what problems their child are facing. But the big question is do we all [ parents, teachers, institutes,schools and citizens ] as a society care to acknowledge this problem and try to rectify it.


Relationship is that bond which makes two person connected by their mind,heart & soul....
Most of the problems emanate from the family itself. The trend of time is such that people prefer nuclear families and the women are mostly job-oriented. The complexities of life leave little or no time with the parents for their children. The school remains the only institution on this front. But unfortunately most of them have become commercial rather that education oriented. The youth experience the latest fashion and celebrate newer festivals like Valentine’s Day, mother’s day, father’s day etc. Which has never been a part of our country? Our own culture and tradition has already so colourful and worth living with, then what is the need for introducing these western trends in our lifestyle. Let’s not forget, that we are the ones who have to strengthen the roots of our culture and traditions and hence the roots of our values and character. The grim reality is that there is a vast ocean of temptations. It has to be a package of to enjoy them but still side by side struggle and work hard in order to ensure a bright future, financial stability, too thereby a sound settlement in life.
many time i have seen that relationship exist for spectacle.sometime teenagers in relationship acts like an adult & pose restriction for their partners as if they have married & time has changed so badly that many times people tries to suicide if their relationship comes to break up.I just ask those people that how can u think of suicide this shows that  you give more importance to that peson whom u know for limited time rather than your parents & family who brought you in this earth.teenagers often use love for their partners,but does anyone knows the proper defination of love.@ the time of teenagae, love has small part to play because @ this age infactuation is the super its very important for all the youngsters that we should take help of our guardian before any commitment otherwise amicable enviornment is more appropriate...