We all believe & know that children are the future. Thus the children should be groomed and educated properly. Indians are unto the mark when it comes to educating their children. Everyone wants their children to go to the best schools they can afford and have the best of education. Each and every one of Indian parents want their child to be the topper. To achieve this they pressurize their child right from the preschool stage . Schools on their part put pressure on these children so that they can boast to have the best result records to show to the world and advertise it for their gains.

If a child is regularly forced to bear such burden they will have many kinds of problems. The child will be facing problems like backache, headache, ligament tear. Heavy bags tend to put pressure on discs between vertebrae which causes back-pain. Constant load on spine among with a bad standing posture can cause lower back-pain is what the doctor says. How can you expect a child to stand in a correct posture when he or she is carrying such a burden every day of his or her schooling life. In the article of The Times Of India, orthopaedic surgeons Dr Tejal Patel and Dr Dinesh Agarwal have stated that repeated load on the neck, or cervical area can lead to headache and giddiness. Many doctors all over the world have stated that carrying heavy burden in the form of school bags can turn these children into humpbacks.
Child should carry only 3.5 kg. in class 1 & 2. In class 7 & 8 a child should carry about 9kg. weight at most. According to the rule at any given time child should be carrying only 10 to 15 percent of his or her body weight. After these facts came to my knowledge I was very disturbed. In our country there is a law against child labor. I think the law of against child labor has been around for quite a while but the schools are making the child carry very heavy school bags everyday. Isn’t this a sophisticated kind of child labor. The big question is why are the parents allowing it. I think they want to make a winner out of their children at any cost [ even at the cost their child becoming a humpback].
There are many articles being written in Newspapers in an effort to bring this problem to light. Many doctors also trying to make the parents realize what problems their child are facing. But the big question is do we all [ parents, teachers, institutes,schools and citizens ] as a society care to acknowledge this problem and try to rectify it.
it's true....it's a kind of sophisticated child labour.In our daily lives we do see children carrying their bags on a bended back.
there is a flaw in the system. in spite of laws from SC regarding admissions, homework,examinations and corporal punishments, at most of the places it is ignored
it remind's of my school days when I used to carry so much heavy bags because I used to afraid from getting punishment.
it's true.. heavy school bag carried by the children is a problem it not only effect their shoulder but also causes back pain..
True..!!! heavy bags doesnot mean a child studies more...so system should concentrate on quality not on quantity..!!
Ashish Kishor Shiralkar
1217 D ward umraokar galli
Dear sir
I read your blog on heavy schoolbag load which impress me to create a new Nano learning system which is useful to make solution for this problem. I hope you will find this useful.
In Our present Learning system, There is 8 to 10 Text Books consist Minimum 250 Pags and
200 Pages Notebook. There is 8 Perioud in schools. Student Use school bag consist 8 text book
average pages 250 pages & 8 Notebook. average pages 200 each.
text book 8 x 250 pages each = 2000 pages
Notebook 8 x 200 pages each = 1600 pages
Total pages = 3600 For each day.
Asignment pages etc @ 100 pages each subject.
Every student need 3600 pages+ Asignment pages in bag for exisiting learning method.
Our student carry weight which is for whole year syllabus. But they need only 1 lesson
or 1day syllabus for learning. if we count 1 lesson has 4 to 5 pages and for writing
we need 4 to 6 pages from notebook. mean we need only 10 pages for each lesson which
cover our whole day syllabus.or till lesson complete. so for 8 subject 8 perioud we need
Text book pages = 8 x 5 - 40 pages.
Notebook = 8x 6= 48 page.
etc asignment or other= 12 pages
Total 100 pages
3600 - 100 = 3500 Pages
Making calculation of pages used by student every days as per subject and syllabus.
I learn that i can make solution for student who can redue their etc weight of pages.
by carrying only 100 pages with new learning system.
I like to reduce weight of my friends students forever by my new technology.
as mention below:
1. I made text book + Note book Lessonwise.
1 Lesson Pages + 1lesson Notebook pages = Total 1 Lesson Syllabus.
Mean for learning student need to carry only 10 pages for each perioud.
and 80 pages for whole day.
I used Clip pad with storage for Placing 8 Set consist 1 Lesson with attached Note Bookpages of each subject.
I found this system very useful and cost effective. No need to carry heavy Schoobag load more. And if you use
Clip pad with storage then you can remove your exisiting school bag too.. Its very easy to use. and protable.
Check below picture for more information.
I made Pattern how we can Implement this system with our Education Ministry and also by school
institutes and education Departments.
I can show how its simple and can implement immedaitely without etc exps.
If we adopt my system:
1. Student can carry everyday syllabus easily.
2. Parents can check student progress in home while his chieldren in school.
they will understand immediately if there is any blank page.
3. Student can carry those lesson and syllabus for study everywhere.
4. Portability.
5. easy to handle for School teacher while they checking progress.
1. Cost saving. No need to buy costly Bags.
2. saving Hospital bills for students which is suffring back problems.
3. Saving in time while walking on the way of school.
I have ready my learning system pattern. Please check and give me opportunity for
go deeply in my further work. I would like to implement this by support from schools,
and educational department.
best wishes
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