Today, science and technology had reached great hikes .We can perform the easiest to the toughest possible jobs using a machine. From climbing the stairs to flying in air, from air conditioners to heaters, from LPG gas stoves to microwaves, from coal irons to steam irons, machines have made their places everywhere. Machines works on the basis of technologies and doesn’t requires manual labour. A man can be replaced by a machine, but can one imagine a machine replaced by a man? Think of the time when there were rarely any machines, how much hard labour was required to perform any task. The machines have not only made it easier, but also faster and better.
Machines on one hand save time and labour, they snatch jobs of the poor people on the other hand as well. And hence, machines, somewhere or the other have become a hidden cause of unemployment, which further causes poverty. A machine rarely employs two to three people. If we start replacing machines with the manual labour, think of the unemployment which will be overcome. But compromising with the quality is again a big deal. A large number of labour used to get employed in agricultural field, but now machines have occupied their places . With the increase in technology, the competition levels are also increasing day by day. And ones again, rich people are becoming richer. Due to which the vicious cycle of unemployment, poverty and illiteracy continues. But, the thing is not to quit using machines but the limited and proper use of machines.