Today, science and technology had reached great hikes .We can perform the easiest to the toughest possible jobs using a machine. From climbing the stairs to flying in air, from air conditioners to heaters, from LPG gas stoves to microwaves, from coal irons to steam irons, machines have made their places everywhere. Machines works on the basis of technologies and doesn’t requires manual labour. A man can be replaced by a machine, but can one imagine a machine replaced by a man? Think of the time when there were rarely any machines, how much hard labour was required to perform any task. The machines have not only made it easier, but also faster and better.
Machines on one hand save time and labour, they snatch jobs of the poor people on the other hand as well. And hence, machines, somewhere or the other have become a hidden cause of unemployment, which further causes poverty. A machine rarely employs two to three people. If we start replacing machines with the manual labour, think of the unemployment which will be overcome. But compromising with the quality is again a big deal. A large number of labour used to get employed in agricultural field, but now machines have occupied their places . With the increase in technology, the competition levels are also increasing day by day. And ones again, rich people are becoming richer. Due to which the vicious cycle of unemployment, poverty and illiteracy continues. But, the thing is not to quit using machines but the limited and proper use of machines.

yes it is somewhere known in the psyche of the humans that we tend to use our brains in a way that it benefits us.but the sour of human mind is he makes atomic bombs as well:(
yes machines are somehow reducing the employment but also on the other is helping in the development of society and country in terms of technology.
Its true that manual labour of human being is replacing with the machines.... but to deal with the machines their is a requirement of man
ya new machines can reduce the lab-our and developed in the agriculture field
there is no machine without a man and no work of man without a machine...and machines are very imp. for development but there should be no miss use of these machines
we people have some amount of energy and we are addicted to machines and yes it reduces the employment
machines are know a need of human man... it helps in development for sure
machines reduce an amount of work load and helps to do our work easily
machines are a help and as far as employment is considered no link to it but it is surely develpoing the society..
This is an era of machines and technology.It somehow helps in the development of the country but ofcourse brings down the employment level.
yes machines had make the work easy for men and machines played a very important role in development of our country
The technologies are vey improved so, that its reducses the labourer works.
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