Corruption has become a monster for the common people from all walks of life. Louder the noise against the evil of corruption, the wider the tentacles it spreads as it with a revenge.
Today the mentality of people as well as the administration or the government is “Go for bribery and increase”. So out of control is the corruption that someone rightly remarked “Blessed are the corrupt, for they will inherit the world.” When law breakers become law breakers, who will save the country?

If democracy has to survive, the middle class value of probity in public life will have to be sustained. If each one of us refuses to offer bribes, however small, corrupt officials will have to step back eventually and this vicious circle can be broken.
In America you have to give bribe only for doing something wrong, but in India you have to give bribe for wrong work as well as for right work.
We always talk about Bribe and corruption but we fail to understand that only we are behind this major concern.If we pay bribe to get some work done,then how can we blame that corruption is everywhere. 'WE' only spread it and then we blame others.Strange but true.
i agree with you Pratika!!
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