Friday, 2 March 2012

                                    Feel the Pain
I feel estranged when people starts blaming their fate for every bad situation. I mean how they get enough time to blame their fate at the time, when they need to find solutions for the concerned  problems. No matter how minor or major the problem is, everyone keeps on saying ‘meri kismet kharab hai’. If kismet (fate) plays such an important role in one’s life, then why people work hard for their survival. I mean they can leave everything on their fate.
Imagine a world where one gets everything without struggle, pain and hassle. He will enjoy such things for a certain period. Slowly but surely, the adventure and  excitement in life will diminish. The day will come, when life will loose all its charm. Everyday will be the same day and this will led to the extreme state of boredom.
Whenever things go wrong, one should think “Zyada se zyada kya hoga” and this takes us to the extreme height of happenings. Then whatever the result may be, it will be less then what you expected. Learn to enjoy the hardness of life, then automatically you will be blessed with the soft side of life.


pallavi said...
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pallavi said...

fate is something that one must never rely on. it is your hardwork that works for you,luck indeed plays a part, but only 1%